§ 82-101. Sign, flag, other signal on premises.
§ 82-102. Destroying, removing signs.
§ 82-103. Entering, leaving premises where contagious or infectious disease exists—Prohibited.
§ 82-104. Same—Exceptions.
§ 82-105. Person recovering not to leave premises until director of health permits.
§ 82-106. State rules as to contagious diseases to be obeyed.
§ 82-107. Report of existence of certain diseases.
§ 82-108. Limiting access to or fumigating, etc., buildings.
§ 82-109. Disinfecting clothing, etc.
§ 82-110. Resisting enforcement.
§ 82-111. Children not to be needlessly exposed to contagious diseases.
§ 82-112. Children from infected houses not to be allowed to go to school or public places.
§ 82-113. Parents to notify school principals of contagious diseases.
§ 82-114. Children from homes where disease exists not to return to school until past danger.
§ 82-115. Apparently sick pupil sent home; not to return without physician's certificate.
§ 82-116. Person suffering from smallpox—Removal.
§ 82-117. Same—Expense.
§ 82-118. Retention or exposure of dead body.
§ 82-119. Period within which dead bodies must be interred.
§ 82-120. Corpse dead of contagious disease not to be placed in vehicle other than hearse.
§ 82-121. Funerals of persons dying of contagious diseases to be private.
§ 82-122. Transportation of diseased persons into city—Prohibited.
§ 82-123. Same—Exception.
§§ 82-124—82-155. Reserved.