§ 146-552. Operational limitations, public transit shelters specifically.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The installation authorized by the sidewalk use permit shall not be modified or altered without the approval of the director of the department of safety and permits.


    Installation of the public transit shelter shall reflect the approved site plan and may not be substantially changed, altered, enlarged or reduced without the approval of the director of the department of safety and permits.


    The public transit shelter may be secured to the public right-of-way through bolting or otherwise fastening the structure to the city sidewalk, subject to approval of the department of public works, as long as it remains temporary in nature. If a new foundation or sidewalk is required for installation, such work shall be included on the plans and shall be constructed in accordance with the standards of the department of public works.


    The permittee shall keep the portion of the sidewalk not approved for use pursuant to a sidewalk use permit free of obstruction(s) at all times.


    Permittee shall in consultation with the department of sanitation, shall submit to the department of safety and permits a trash and litter abatement plan for the timely collection of refuse in a manner that prevents overflow of refuse unto the ground.

(M.C.S., Ord. No. 27764, § 1, 5-3-18)