§ 3-117. The Capital Program and Capital Budget.  

Latest version.
  • (1)

    The Council shall approve a capital program and adopt a capital budget before it ordains the annual operating budget.


    The Capital Program.


    The capital program shall detail all permanent physical improvements that are planned to be financed in whole or in part from funds that are or may become subject to control or appropriation by the Council during each of the ensuing five years. For each separate project there shall be shown the amount and the sources of the money that has been expended or encumbered, or is to be expended or encumbered before the next fiscal year, and also the amount and the sources of the money planned to be expended during each of the ensuing five years.


    The Council may not amend the capital program as submitted to it, until it has requested and received through the Mayor the recommendations of the City Planning Commission with respect to the proposed amendment. The Council shall not be bound by such recommendations and may act without them if they are not received within fifteen days from the date they are requested.


    The Capital Budget Ordinance.


    The capital budget ordinance shall show in detail the capital expenditures to be made or incurred in accordance with the capital program during the next year. Amounts budgeted shall constitute appropriations from the funds indicated when available.


    Amendments to the capital budget ordinance must conform to the capital program, as amended.