§ 82-317. Performance standards.
Containment barriers. Any person performing work on the exterior of a building or on a metal structure subject to this article shall establish containment barriers at least as effective at protecting human health and the environment as those contained in the HUD guidelines or the Lead Paint Removal Guide published by the Steel Structure Painting Council, whichever is applicable.
Prohibited practices. The method of removal shall be in accordance with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations and safety standards and practices of the city, state and federal agencies including EPA and HUD guidelines and standards. No person performing work subject to this article shall use prohibited practices which include, but are not limited to:
Acetylene or propane burning and torching;
Power sanding or grinding without containment barriers as defined in section 316(b)(1) or a HEPA vacuum attachment or system;
Scraping without containment measures such as a disposable ground cover to collect paint chips;
Hydro-blasting or high-pressure wash without containment measures such as a porous ground cover to collect paint chips;
Abrasive blasting or sandblasting without containment barriers as defined in section 316(b)(1) or a HEPA vacuum attachment or system;
Heat removal as defined in section 82-311.
Unconfined power sanding or grinding as defined in section 82-311.
Chemical removal as defined in section 82-311.
Other methods as defined in section 82-311 that create excessive, lead-containing dust or excessive airborne lead concentrations as defined in section 82-311.
Migration. Any person performing work subject to this article shall make all reasonable efforts to prevent migration of lead paint contaminants beyond containment barriers during the course of the work.
Visible lead paint chips. The responsible party performing work subject to this article shall make all reasonable efforts to remove all visible lead paint chips from all work areas of the property prior to completion of the work.
(Ord. No. 20,345, § 1, 9-6-01)