Any person determined by the hearing officer to be liable for a code violation may
appeal the determination to the civil district court for the parish. Such appeal shall
be instituted by filing, within 30 calendar days of the mailing of the hearing officer's
order, a petition with the clerk of the civil district court along with payment of
such costs as may be required by the clerk of court. After filing a petition for appeal,
the clerk of court shall schedule a hearing and notify all parties of the date, time,
and place of such hearing. Service of notice of appeal under this subsection shall
not stay the enforcement and collection of the judgment unless the person who files
the appeal furnishes security prior to filing notice of appeal with the Department
of Finance in the amount fixed by the hearing officer sufficient to assure satisfaction
of the finding of the hearing officer relative to the fine(s), fee(s), monetary penalty/penalties,
cost(s) of the hearing, and cost(s), if any, of correcting the violation(s).