§ 2-59. Council approval of certain grants.
Background. The city council approves various grants to individuals, corporations, and other persons pursuant to law or contractual agreements. The grants may include, but are not limited to, grants from the economic development fund, the neighborhood housing assistance fund, Entergy and Harrah's. The purpose of this section is to establish minimum information and reporting requirements for persons or entities seeking approval of all such grants and to ensure that pertinent information is made available to the public.
Questionnaires. Prior to approval of any grant request subject to the approval of the city council, the applicant for said grant shall submit a completed questionnaire on forms approved and provided by the council. At a minimum, the following information shall be required:
The name, physical address, telephone number, taxpayer identification number, website address (if applicable) of the applicant and a statement from the director of finance that the applicant owes no back taxes to the city and holds all necessary licenses or permits from the city.
If the applicant is a corporation or other entity that is required to register with the secretary of state, certification that the entity is currently in good standing with the secretary of state.
Where applicable, a list of all officers and directors of the entity.
A list of all current contractors and subcontractors of the person or entity. For each contractor or subcontractor, a list of officers, directors, certificate of good standing with the secretary of state and a statement from the director of finance that the contractor or subcontractor owes no back taxes to the city.
A copy of the applicant's most recent financial audit, if available.
A statement indicating the applicant's sources of funding, including private donations, self-generated funds, and funding from city, state, or federal sources.
A statement of the applicant's accomplishments to the date of the grant application. References, media accounts, and similar supporting documentation should be included.
To the applicant's best knowledge and belief and ability's a list of all political campaign contributions made by officers, directors, and employees of the entity within 12 months prior to the date of the application. Information provided in compliance with the provisions of this section shall not be used to disqualify any applicant or application from the grant application process. The reporting requirements of this subparagraph shall expire at the end of the grant period.
A statement as to whether, to the applicant's best knowledge and belief, any member of the New Orleans City Council may have reason for recusal from voting under the provisions of the Louisiana Code of Governmental Ethics. For informational purposes, pertinent excerpts from the ethics code shall be included in the questionnaire.
Initial questionnaire. The initial questionnaire that shall be used in connection with this section is attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part of M.C.S., Ordinance No. 25728, the ordinance adopting this section. (The clerk shall insert the M.C.S. Number of this ordinance in the blank space prior to submission of this section for codification.) This questionnaire may be amended by a motion adopted by a majority of all members of the city council.
Reporting requirements and amendments to information supplied on questionnaire. Any grant agreement approved pursuant to this section shall require that the applicant update questionnaire information within 14 days of any change of information and such updates shall be provided to the clerk of council. Further, the grant agreement shall require that semiannual reports and narrative reports on the progress of grant activities be made available upon request to the clerk of council. Such reports shall indicate the use of grant funds for the preceding first or third quarter, as may be applicable.
Public records. All questionnaires, reports, and updates are public records and shall be made available for public inspection upon request at the office of the clerk of council.
The City Council/Cox Communications Louisiana's Community Grant Program shall not be subject to this section.
(M.C.S., Ord. No. 22410, § 1, 10-5-06; M.C.S., Ord. No. 25728, § 1, 3-27-14; M.C.S., Ord. No. 26494, § 1, 7-9-15)
Editor's note
Exhibit A, referenced above, is not set out herein, but is on file and available for inspection in the city offices.