§ 18-20. Unnatural stimulation of horses; willful pulling of reins; penalty.
No person shall administer or apply or cause to be administered or applied to any horse which has been entered in any race, any drug, chemical, or other substance whatsoever, or any electric battery or other apparatus, which might have the effect of unnaturally depressing, stimulating or exciting any horse during any race. No jockey mounted on any horse during a race shall willfully pull the reins, or do anything whatsoever that has the effect of diminishing the chance of the horse winning any race whether such action on the part of the jockey is of his own accord, by instruction from the owner of the horse, or as a result of conspiracy with any other person.
The violation of this section shall be punishable by a fine of not less than $100.00 or by imprisonment for not less than 30 days or both such fine and imprisonment.
(Code 1956, § 42-114)
State law reference
Similar provisions, R.S. 4:175.