§ 158-773. Existing resources.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Resource identification. The utility shall discuss and describe all existing resources, including utility demand-side resources, purchases from nonutility sources, purchases from other utilities, pooling or coordination agreements that reduce resource requirements, and owned or partially-owned generating facilities. The utility shall also discuss and describe all resources available to the system, to the extent that these resources affect the resources available to the utility. This description shall include the same information required for potential future options, as described in sections 158-774 through 158-776. The utility shall report actual historic information (including the most recent ten years), as well as a projection of future information through the life of the resource. Any predicted changes must be fully documented and justified. The information assembled must be used by the utility in evaluating existing resources and assessing future resource options.


    Assessment of existing transmission. The utility shall analyze the adequacy of its existing transmission system to meet loads over a minimum of the next ten years, with projections for the following ten years, to identify areas where the transmission system is not capable of carrying loads, and to identify and analyze possible solutions to the transmission problems areas. The utility shall document its analysis, including providing transmission power flow studies supporting its conclusions. The transmission analysis shall include a sufficient portion of the regional and system transmission facilities to reasonably represent utility transmission system problems and solutions.


    Assessments regarding future requirements. Each utility shall assess the role of existing demand-side and supply-side resources in meeting future demand requirements. Each resource shall be considered for the potential of continued use, upgrading, repowering, life extension, temporary mothballing, retirement, or other options. For those resources for which any action other than continued use appears to be cost-effective, the utility shall assess and document the cost and benefit associated with any such action, and justify why such action will or will not be taken. The utility shall report, consistent with U.S. Department of Energy Form IE-411, any planned retirements, changes in ratings, or any other expected changes in the amount or availability of existing resources.

(Code 1956, § 52-354(a))