New Orleans |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 158. UTILITIES |
§ 158-770. Same—Contents of energy and demand forecasts.
Characteristics. All of the forecasts specified in this section shall be weather normalized. All methods and processes used to normalize for weather shall be fully described and justified.
Contents. The load forecast shall include and provide the following items for each historic and forecast year it covers for the utility, the jurisdictional portion of the utility in the parish, the other individual companies comprising the system, and the system:
Total annual sales of electricity, and annual sales for each aggregate customer class;
Summer and winter peak demands, and peak demands for each aggregate customer class;
Annual load factor;
Annual load duration curve, defined as the duration in hours of each level of kilowatt-demand over the year;
Monthly peak demand;
Monthly load duration curves, or equivalent utility data in Edison Electric Institute load format;
Load profiles, defined as kilowatt-loads and graphed as a function of the time of day, for a representative weekday in the peak winter and summer months, and for actual winter and summer peak days.
Analysis and documentation of peak demand and energy forecasts. The historic data and forecast of peak demand and energy usage shall include, and shall separately identify and describe, the impact on peak demand and energy usage of the following:
Utility demand-side programs which were implemented before preparing the plan under consideration;
Existing government-sponsored or mandated demand-side programs;
Utilization of alternative fuels at end-use;
Actual and expected interruptible demand, including number of customers and firm capacity contracted for interruption from each customer;
Self-generation and cogeneration by existing and future customers, including the number of customers with such capacity, their total capacity rating and, where applicable, the capacity and energy they are contracted to provide;
Transmission and distribution losses.
Evaluation of previous forecasts. Each plan shall contain an evaluation of previous forecasts for the purpose of improving the current forecast methods, inputs, and assumptions. The evaluation must assess the accuracy of previous forecasts, explain and quantify to the extent practicable the deviation between forecasted and actual energy and demand, and describe revisions to methods and assumptions in order to correct for past deviations, as appropriate.
(Code 1956, § 52-353(b))