The director of the department of public works may cause to be placed lines or marks
on the curb or on the street to designate the physical limits of a metered space.
Each vehicle parked in any metered space so demarcated shall park within the lines
or markings so established. No person shall park any vehicle across any such line
or mark or park a vehicle in such a way that it shall not be within the area so designated
by such lines or markings, except in the event a vehicle may be longer than the space
allotted, and in such case, the driver of any vehicle occupying more than one space
or any part of an additional space shall make a payment for each metered space, or
any portion of a metered space, being occupied, and such driver shall be deemed to
be in violation of any one of the single/double space parking meters whose space is
occupied shows a violation.
(M.C.S., Ord. No. 23215, § 1, 9-11-08)
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