§ 146-540. Operational limitations, generally.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The arrangement and number of tables or other approved items authorized by the sidewalk use permit shall not be modified or altered without the approval of the director of the department of safety and permits.


    All furniture and fixtures shall reflect the approved site plan and may not be substantially changed, altered, added to or reduced without the approval of the director of the department of safety and permits.


    No portion or element of an approved site plan may be secured through bolting or otherwise fastening any table, chair, bench, fixture, or other device to a public sidewalk, post, sign, tree, or similar feature.


    The permittee shall keep the portion of the sidewalk not approved for commercial use pursuant to a sidewalk use permit free of obstruction(s) at all times.


    The sidewalk area adjacent to a commercial establishment that is issued a sidewalk use permit shall be maintained in a neat and orderly appearance at all times and the area shall be cleared of debris or litter on a periodic basis during the day and again at the close of business each day.


    A-frame signs and displays are only permitted to occupy the right-of-way while the validly licensed business is open to the public. All components shall be removed from the right-of-way at the close of each business day.

(M.C.S., Ord. No. 27625, § 4, 12-14-17; eff. 10-1-17)