§ 106-301. Prohibition of certain activities.
It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in any of the activities herein below listed while within the confines of City Park. Those activities which shall be unlawful unless specifically approved by the director of the park are:
No individuals or groups will be permitted to purchase or sell any food, drinks or novelties within the confines of the park, unless approved in writing by park management in accordance with its contractual arrangements with various concessionaires.
There shall be no trapping, hunting, discharging of firearms, or other noisemaking devices whatsoever in the park.
It is prohibited to injure, molest, or kill any bird or animal in the park.
No dog or other animal will be allowed to roam at large in the park. Orleans Parish leash laws for dogs must be adhered to except in designated dog parks or "off-leash" areas. The area known as City Bark is such an "off-leash" area and is generally bounded by Zachary Taylor Drive, Diagonal Drive, and Magnolia Drive within the boundaries of City Park.
It is unlawful to throw into the lake, lagoons, fountains and basins any rock, trash or any other object whatsoever.
It is prohibited to play any game of chance, or to have possession of any game of chance, within the park.
It is prohibited to climb or get upon any tree, statue, fountain, fence, gateway, or railing within the park, or to use any structure within the park for other than the purpose for which it is intended, and in accordance with the regulations applying thereto.
It is prohibited to deface, injure, move or remove any sign, notice or label place by park management within the park, to write upon, deface, defile or otherwise injure any building, fence, fountain, seat, statue, gateway, wall, or other structure within the park.
It is prohibited to lie down upon, or to sleep upon, or overturn or damage any seat, bench, bridge, railing, or floor within the park.
No boisterous, indecent, or vulgar language will be tolerated, nor any public nuisance shall be permitted.
Visitors are prohibited from cutting any flowers, destroying, removing or defacing any plants, grass, trees or shrubbery, or any other property in the park.
It is prohibited to bathe or wade in or enter any lake, pool, lagoon, fountain or Bayou St. John.
It is prohibited for any person to engage in formal organized games of golf, tennis, baseball, softball, football, soccer, or other events without having obtained the required ticket or park permits in advance.
It is prohibited for any player to enter or to encroach upon golf links, tennis courts, softball, baseball, football, or soccer fields within the park during the progress of any game, unless he or she is a participant in or connected with such game or is a park employee or duty.
It is prohibited to retrieve golf balls from the park, or to sell or offer to sell golf balls, tennis balls, or any other article of any description excepting by duly accredited representative of the park having the concession rights or a valid permit.
No horses or any other animals may be ridden anywhere within the park, except in area where specific park permission has been obtained.
Fishing within the park is permitted provided that fishers obtain the necessary park fishing permit.
It is prohibited to drive or propel any motor vehicle at a greater speed than that posted in park areas, or to drive or propel any vehicle except in established driveways and in the direction indicated by signs, or to park any vehicle excepting areas provided and indicated.
It is prohibited to drop, throw, scatter, or leave upon any part of the park any type of litter, except into receptacles provided for such purpose.
It is prohibited to leave any abandoned vehicle within the confines of the park.
No athletic games will be played when, in the discretion of the park CEO or his assistant, weather conditions have rendered the fields or tennis courts wet and muddy enough to result in damage to the playing area and/or the lighting facilities which illuminate said areas.
It is prohibited to have an open fire in the park. Fires in barbecue pits or grill are allowed; however, caution should be taken in disposing of hot coals. It is prohibited to dump coals on any tree roots.
(M.C.S., Ord. No. 22166, § 1, 3-16-06; M.C.S., Ord. No. 22996, § 3, 2-15-08)